Customer KYC

Contact us about your fuel needs.
Let us know who you are and how we can serve you better.

Building, street, town
Contact 1
Contact 2
Company PIN Certificate
Certificate of Incorporation
Copy of ID/ Passport of the Director
Copy of ID/Passport of the Contact Person
Security Deposit or Bank Guarantee Equivalent to the Approved Credit Limit 
1. Annual Turnover (Last Financial Year)  
2. Provide Names & Credit Limit of Oil Companies with Whom you have existing Credit Facilities
3. List 3 Business or Trade References (Indicate Company Name, Address, Email & Type of Account)
4. Credit facility applied (where applicable)  
5. Form of Security
6. List of Directors 
7. Company Bankers (Name, Branch & Account numbers) 
  • Flamex Petroleum
  • Wilson Airport, Aproan 5
  • opposite Carnivore/ Tamarind Hotel
  • (+254) 733 611 188
Conditions of Sale on Credit

1. All Customers Who Desire Credit Facilities from FLAMEX PETROLEUM LTD Are Required to Fill the Above Form and Submit It to The Marketing Department for Vetting.

2. The Approved Credit Terms Would Not Be Modified Without Customers’ Re-Application and Approval of the Company in Writing.

3. Supplies Will Be Automatically Be Stopped When the Credit Limit Is Reached or Upon an Invoice Falling Due.

4. Cheques Are Accepted in Payment of Customers Account in Good Faith. If Cheque Is Dishonored by The Bank, Credit Facilities Will Be Automatically Suspended and May Be Discounted at Flamex Petroleum Limited’s Sole Discretion.

5. Flamex Petroleum Limited Reserves the Right to Stop, Suspend or Review Credit Facilities Without Necessary of Prior Warning or Notice or Assigning Any Reasons.

6. In Case of Any Default, All Legal and Other Expenses Incurred by Flamex Petroleum Limited, In Recovering the Overdue Amount Shall Be Fully Borne by The Customer.

7. The Information Contained in This Application Form and Any Other Relevant Information May Be Used to Verify Your Creditworthiness and By Filling It You Will Be Giving Permission to Flamex Petroleum Limited to Contact Some or All of The References in Order to Establish Credit Facilities in Strict Confidence.